Guest Post: Simple Acts of Kindness



Heather Goodwin is part of the Office Nomads Community Cultivation Team, and is excited to share her experiences and thoughts on the community of coworkers here on Capitol Hill.

We all get busy with life and our own obligations, and sometimes it can be easy to forget how important it can be to uplift those around us through simple acts of kindness. Part of our work as Community Cultivators is to brighten our fellow Nomad's spirits through simple actions like saying "good morning" and "have a great night!" We "CC's" have a special love for getting to know our fellow Nomads and thrive on catching up over a cup of coffee in the morning or grabbing lunch together in the space. It is easy to see that even a quick hello can propel someone's day from "blah" to "a-ha!" These acts not only can brighten someone's day, but means we get to know one another a bit better as well.

Over time we CCs have learned there are some great ways to brighten someone's day that every Nomad can engage in. Being sincere when asking someone how their day is going can make a world of difference. Moving around throughout our coworking space can mean meeting a new person you wouldn't have met if you sat at the same desk each time you came in. Sitting down by someone who is taking their trail day can help them feel included and a part of our community. It can all begin with a simple introduction, and can not only brighten the other person's day, but yours as well.

Beth 1

Beth 1

Today I had the pleasure of being on CC "duty" as one of our members got an uplifting surprise from her client. Nomad Beth Jusino works to help independent writers get published, and one of her clients - Seattle-based author J.L Spohr - sent her a thank you package of chocolate and wine! Just by being there I got to know Beth a little bit better, and got to learn about an author I hadn't heard of before. And add wine and chocolate to that and we were both feeling great about life!

There is always someone new to meet or a project happening within the space to learn about. Introducing yourself, asking questions, and moving around the space are great ways to get started. And remember: it only takes a moment to brighten someone's day.