Member Profile: Margo Reich

We are so excited to introduce you to Margo Reich! Margo has been a part of the Office Nomads family ever since we got started, and became a member a couple of years ago.

Hi Margo! What are you working on?

I finished up yet another busy tax season, and I'm taking the next steps towards retirement!

What brought you to Office Nomads?

I came to Office Nomads to transition from full-time work as a CPA to semi-retirement with fewer clients, fewer tasks and time to grow old gracefully. I moved out of my own office a few years ago and made Office Nomads my office when I need it.

What led you to become a CPA?

It's a second career for me, actually. I was an administrator for a local university and I felt like I got painted into a corner as both a female and a non-academic. There wasn't a clear way for me to progress in a career there. Instead of just changing jobs, I thought about what I was good at and realized I was good at understanding the story behind numbers. I took a couple of accounting classes and it all just quickly made sense to me. It fit my brain so well, and I looked no further! I decided it was time to become an accountant and start my own practice.

What is one thing about you that most people don't know?

I co-own a 10” Dobsonian, azimuth-mounted, Newtonian scope without a “go-to” named Big Blue with my brother. I have a fondness for tracking down global clusters.

Tell us more about how you got into astronomy.

I've always been interested in low-level physical sciences. Astronomy is where all the big questions are being asked about the physical world. It's also an excuse to search for dark skies (places that don't have any light pollution) – most of us don't even know what those are anymore. Getting out with my scope is a great excuse to go camping for a week! I usually head to Central Oregon – remote and lots of opportunities to find those dark skies.

What do you enjoy doing other than work when you're at Office Nomads?

I enjoy the seasonal open houses and art walks, and I've learned a lot from participating in Cotivation. And the Annual Christmas/Holiday/December potluck is the best daytime party ever.__We agree, Margo! We're already looking forward to the 2017 edition. Thanks so much for sharing your story with us, and thanks to Marti Rhea for snapping the great photos of Margo way back in February (when there still were Pronto bikes in Seattle)! Until next time...