Member Profile: Juan Valera

Fresh off the press - we're happy to introduce you to another member of the Office Nomads coworking community: Juan Valera!

What was your first job?

My very first job was an internship at a web design agency. I was miles outside my comfort zone, and terrified/ecstatic about everything. I’ve managed to keep that state of mind for the most part.

Is that a good thing?

Not always. Actually, I'd wager that most of the time it's not a good thing. It gets in the way of my productivity. But the ecstatic part, that's just who I am - I'm passionate about what I advocate for and what I know and wish for.

What are you working on right now?

I’m doing research on a client’s market to inform user testing. (If you know research or user experience testing, let’s talk!)

What is one thing about you that most people don't know?

I'm afraid of warewolves. Seriously.

Why are you a member of Office Nomads?

The community, hands down. There’s something about ON that makes you feel instantly at home. A combination of authentic people, all sorts of different work, awesome events, and the occasional dog petting opportunities sold me.

What events have you participated in at ON?

I joined in for a round of Cotivation, because motivation for projects isn’t always easy to come by. I quickly learned that my fellow Nomads have some great ideas! I volunteered with a bunch of other members at Northwest Harvest, a WA hunger relief organization in December. And does Thursday Snack count? I participate because snacks.__Thanks for sharing with us, Juan! We're so glad you're a part of our coworking community on Capitol Hill! If you want to keep tabs on what Juan is up to, be sure to follow him on Twitter. Thanks so much to Marti Rhea for snapping photos of Juan and all of our other members for these fun profiles. We'll be back with another profile soon!