Introducing: New Membership Levels

Dan gets his stuff done at Office Nomads

Dan gets his stuff done at Office Nomads

After receiving helpful feedback from our members and wider community, Office Nomads is proud to introduce some new membership levels! You can see full descriptions on our updated Memberships and Pricing page! Quickly, here's what monthly membership now looks like at ON:

  • Basic: 3 days/month - $50

  • Part-Time: 5-15 days/month - $75-225

  • Resident: 24/7 access - $475 + deposit

We hope that these new levels allow even more flexibility to potential members who are looking to be in the office on a regular basis.  As always, we know there is incredible value in a space that keeps its focus on the people, not on the pricing plans. We try to keep our membership plans simple, and designed to keep you focused on getting work done, not on whether you can afford to have another cup of coffee.If you've been meaning to swing by and check out the office, now's a great time!  Come on in for a tour of the space and we can chat you up about the new price points!