Member Profile: Justin Bell


Justin Bell


Member Since: January 2009

Type of Member: Resident

Justin has a fantastic business card. It opens up and has a great, clean design to it. The one thing, though, is that there is no title with his name. “There are no titles for a reason,” he says, “My job title depends on what day it is.”

Justin works for New Edge + The Brewery in marketing strategy. Some days he is a strategist or a project manager, other days maybe a client director. Justin’s work has him working with mostly Fortune 500 companies who are seeking some help. “They come to us and say, ‘We know innovation needs to be a focus but we don’t know where to focus our innovation strategy’ or ‘We have this technology or opportunity and we need to find a market for it.’”

Justin had a big suite in Bellevue where there were multiple conference rooms and offices, just no other people there but himself. When New Edge + The Brewery realized they no longer needed a suite for their one-man Seattle operation, Justin was left looking for an office space where he could complete his projects when a friend pointed him in the direction of Office Nomads. Now he loves it. “A stuffy office with no interaction is very one-dimensional,” he said. “The physical space here gives me figurative freedom.”

He is a constant fixture in Office Nomads as the Seattle office of New Edge + The Brewery, adding to the Richland, WA-based business which also has a London office. When he leaves us in the evening, he goes home to relish in the life as a new dad. His ride back to ON in the mornings is a pretty awesome Discovery Channel Team Trek. He is probably the most active Nomad with multiple triathlons and two Ironmen under his belt. We all mention 5Ks we are thinking of doing, while he has his sights set on a Half Ironman in the spring. Go Justin!