News flurry!

Yes, it's going to be nearly 100 degrees in Seattle today and I'm using snow references. ;)It has been a huge week for both Office Nomads and coworking in the news! Here is a quick break down of some of the recent articles, news clips, and blog posts that have rocked our world during the last week, in chronological order:

  • Tony Bacigalupo of New Work City kicks off the week of coworking clips last Wednesday with his article on – A glimpse of the future of work.
  • Also on Wednesday, Business Week features a variety of coworking spaces in Portland, highlighting souk, NedSpace, and The Hive!
  • The Washington Post features coworking over the weekend, giving an overview on how coworking functions as a part of a new way work is getting done - where independents choose their own coworkers
  • The buzz stays alive on Monday, when NWJobs features Seattle coworking spaces including Office Nomads as great places to beat the heat and get to work in air conditioned spaces as Seattle's heat wave begins.
  • Tuesday starts with the Wall Street Journal, fresh off the stands, with an article on how start-ups share spaces, including coworking spaces, to cut costs. Office Nomads' Pink Slip Special is mentioned, and we bask in the glow of national press!
  • Last but not least, local station Q 13 airs a feature on Office Nomads, highlighting the use of shared spaces as an alternative for independent workers.

Whoa! What will the next week bring, I wonder? Oprah, give us a call whenever you're ready.Bring on the paparazzi - coworking's here!Thanks to Flickr user internets_dairy for their use of this photo under the Creative Commons license.