Biznik's First Jelly!

Karrie Kohlhaas of ThoughtShot Consulting hosted her first Jelly here at Office Nomads today. Jellies first started in NYC to bring creative folks together that had been stuck in home offices. They have since spread and grown and are saving people from isolation world wide. It's a simple format where you shout out to your community that you will be working from a certain location and invite people to join you. Karrie posted this event on Biznik and it quickly filled up. People are eager to get out of the house and find social interaction that doesn't interfere with their work. Coworking and Jelly have tight histories and I'm excited Seattle is embracing the concept. There is also a Facebook page to unite folks and hopefully make these happen more often.

Q13 was here to do a story on the event and the wider Jelly scene. We are not sure when that will go live and we'll keep you posted.

It's a busy day here at Office Nomads. Not only are Biznik and Q13 running around but the front area only has one free desk today and that is after we added four more a few weeks ago. What a great way to start the week! I thought I heard someone say something about the economy not doing so hot but from where I sit things are getting pretty exciting.