Yogafying in the Office!

Well we finally went for it - Office Nomads synced up with Karen Lindenberg of Phyzz Yoga and took a yoga break in the office! As one of the participants, I have to say it was awesome. Not only was it a great way to break up the day, but finally I didn't have to stress about whether or not I was going to get in some exercise today - it just happened right here.

Nomads do Yoga!

Hands-down my favorite moment was when Karen told us to tighten our "C-3PO wires" in our midsections - this woman not only is a rockstar yoga teacher but really knows how to speak to her audience. We got to geek out AND get in a great stretch & strengthening session. How great is that?

We're hoping to do more of these in the future as a great perk for our members. If you're another office space in Seattle reading this post, we definitely recommend having Karen come by your office to do the same - it's a blast! Thanks, Karen -we hope to see you here again soon!