Green Jobs in a Green Economy

At Office Nomads, we're as sick as you are of hearing about the crashing economy, the rising unemployment rate and the seemingly useless efforts of Congress to stymie the bleeding. So we're turning away from the doom and gloom and choosing instead to look toward a future when things will be better.One of the ways we think things will get better is through the creation of a green economy and the green jobs that will come with it. (I know, the word "green" is so buzzy these days that it hardly has any meaning anymore to most of us. But some folks have the ability to make the concept of "green" feel and be real especially when it comes to jobs, so hang in there for a sec.)To whit, over at Biznik, there's a recording of a live call-in interview with Van Jones who just came out with a new book called "The Green Color Economy: How One Solution can Fix our Two Biggest Problems." The interview aired as a part of Biznik's series on "Surviving & Thriving Amidst Economic Adversity".Why do I bring this up here? Well, personally, I find Van Jones to be a fascinating individual with a lot of great ideas that we as a nation would be smart to follow. Susan also pointed out that, for her, "This topic is particularly interesting as a coworking space owner - the idea of supporting and particpating in local, green economies is of utmost importance to me and is definitely a part of what we're doing at Office Nomads!"I couldn't agree more. Local communities are where its going to be going on in the future, especially as companies have to find more efficincies (which means less employees) and more of us strike out on our own. Coworking spaces around the country (and the world) will be thriving as a new kind of local economy starts taking root. When that happens, you can tell your coworkers you knew it was coming thanks to Office Nomads and Van Jones.