It's Open House Time Again!

Michelles First Book

A new season is here and at Office Nomads that means two things: Chris cleans his desk and we throw an open house. A clean desk for Chris is big enough news for those of us that work here already, but it's the open house on Oct. 16 from 6 pm to 9 pm that really gets our juices flowing (and that gets Chris to clean his desk). It's just such a great opportunity to invite our friends and family (that's you!) to come check out and enjoy the space with us.

This open house, we have some extra added special reasons to celebrate. Along with opening up the space and expounding on the joys of coworking, we're also hosting the launch party for a great new book called "My So-Called Freelance Life: How to Survive and Thrive as a Creative Professional for Hire." This extremely well-written and enjoyable book is written by our friend Michelle Goodman. In it she offers practical and actionable advice to women who know they are meant for more than a standard day job and may or may not know what they actually want to do instead. I;ve seen an advance copy, and I'll tell you, truth be told, I think it's a book anyone--woman or man--is going to get something valuable from, in large part because it is so enjoyable to read.

As if celebrating such a book that will help you start a career that will start you on a path to working independently isn't enough to get you out this week, we've got another reason to come down to the open house: It's our first anniversary! That's right, just about one year ago Jacob and Susan threw open the doors to Office Nomads and started welcoming their first members. Since then, they've added so much to the space and brought so many cool people into the community that you'll hardly recognize the place if you haven't been in since we first opened.

So please join us sometime between 6 pm and 9 pm on Oct. 16 to celebrate, eat, drink, and enjoy each other's company. We'll see you then!