Work for Free!

Don't worry. We don't mean to imply that you should work without pay. No, what the message we're trying to get across with that headline is that Monday, July 7 is Free Drop-in Day at Office Nomads. It's something new we're doing so you can experience the joy of coworking for yourself.So if you've been meaning to come and check out Office Nomads and to find out if coworking will work for you, July 7 is is your chance to try it out, no-strings attached. As an added bonus, that's also the first Monday of the month which means it's also our monthly Game Night so at the end of the day, you can hang out, drink beers (or whatever) and enjoy any of a number of fun, unique games (no Monopoly here).Of course, your first day of working at Office Nomads is always free, so if you can't make July 7 and you've been meaning to check it out, don't let your budget stop you from experimenting. But even if you've been in before, working on July 7 is gonna be free.As always, Office Nomads will be open for drop-ins from 8:30 am until 6 p.m. on Monday July 7 for free. And as always, we'll offer free high-speed Internet access, free prints and faxes and free coffee, tea and water. Any questions, please let us know.
