Just another day in the office

Yeee-haw! Susan's first blog post EVER. I don't know about you all, but this is a pretty big day for me. I'm surrounded by bloggers daily, and am excited to get my first thrills from publishing my thoughts out on the world wide web.

On a more news-worthy note, a few fun things have happened today at the space. I thought I'd share.

First, I painted another set of walls. We've been hemming and hawing over how to get some color in the space to make it feel more comfortable, and it is a spectacular feeling to get the process get started. With the amazing help of our good friend and amazing interior designer Piper, we've chosen a few great colors and have started making progress. Today was another set of brown walls - chocolate-colored goodness. Check it out:

The new brown walls - in progress

Second, thanks to my good friend Drew, I came across a noteworthy article I thought I'd share. The P-I reported on a local gentleman who procured an award-winning vehicle from a 1970's competition for gas efficient vehicles - this one racked up an amazing 376 mpg! Talk about exciting, and this with 230-plus-year-old technology. You can find the full report here,

but this is a particular section I enjoyed:

The mileage from the mostly stock four-cylinder came from heating and insulating the fuel line so the gas entered the engine as lean vapor. Then they drove the car on a closed course at a steady 30 mph.

So some of that wouldn't work in the street, McMullen concedes. But if the car were made more drivable and lost 200 mpg -- it still would get 176 mpg.

"Here's a car that was 20 years old at the time of the contest that was the project of a couple of guys in a garage," he said. "You can't tell me we can't do better than this with cars today."

Here at Office Nomads, there is always talk about ways in which we can help to make an impact on climate change and to help create a more sustainable neighborhood in Capitol Hill. Although personally I believe that one of the keys to moving forward is to move away from individual cars and really start digging into better public transportation, I thought this article was pretty uplifting. Though y'all might get a kick out of it.

That's it for now. Happy Thursday, folks. Over & out.