Links of the Week

Links of the WeekNot a super week for links this week, but that's because I was working on lots of other things, so didn't have time to spend surfing the Web. If you've got something cool we should check out and share, leave it in the comments.

  • # 7 on this list is my favorite. But there's so much more to this list that is fascinating. Predictions 1, 2 and 3 are spot on. One of my non-Office-Nomads gigs is writing for a very behind-the-times publishing company that I've been trying for four years now to stop from sending their weekly flagship publication as a PDF... but they're all old and stuck in their ways. Their time will come.
  • I have to admit, I am a bit surprised that for the second week in a row, the Smal Biz Resource blog is on my links of the week, but it's actually an interesting read. This week, it's results of a study about the effects of telecommuting on those stuck in the office. Not surprisingly, those left behind

    don't like it.

  • Laura, a friend of Susan's (who, incidentally introduced Jacob and Susan) posted an awesome picture taken in the space this week. I had to share.